Professor Ken Lange honored at annual symposium

Lange Symposium on Computational & Statistical Genomics
January 26, 2024
UCLA’s departments of Computational Medicine and Human Genetics, with support from NIH, held the fourth Lange Symposium on January 26th, 2024. The topic for this year’s symposium was Computational and Statistical Genomics. This annual event celebrates the impact of Dr. Lange’s research, mentorship, and teaching throughout an illustrious career spanning more than four decades. It featured scientific talks by some of Dr. Lange’s esteemed colleagues and former trainees:
Eric Chi (Rice University)
Susan Holmes (Stanford University)
Donald Martin (North Carolina State University)
Matthew Stephens (University of Chicago)
Jessica Li (UCLA)
Sriram Sankararaman (UCLA)
UCLA Professors Eric Sobel, Jeanette Papp, and Hua Zhou organized the event. About 80 students, researchers, and faculty participated from many institutions including Morehouse School of Medicine, Emory University, Cal State Northridge, Claremont Graduate University, and Duke University.
Videos of the talks are now available on the CompMed YouTube channel.
The next Lange Symposium will be held in early 2025. Check the Lange Symposium website for details. Read about the Ken Lange Symposium Endowment and make a gift online.