Front Page

Rachel Mester and Apeksha Singh

The Department of Computational Medicine and especially the Biomathematics Ph.D. program wants to congratulate Rachel Mester and Apeksha Singh for finishing their Ph.D.

Jun 25, 2024
Dissertation Year Award

The Dissertation Year Award is intended to support doctoral students who are within one year of completing and filing their dissertation. This is the first time the Department of Computational Medicine has received two Dissertation Year Awards! The department is very proud of both Mariana and Xiangting and we look forward to the great work they will do during the upcoming academic year.

Jun 07, 2024
Biomath PHD students 2024

This fall, the Department of Computational Medicine at UCLA welcomes nine new students to its Biomathematics Ph.D. program. The incoming students have a diverse backgrounds in mathematics and biology, and they aspire to integrate different disciplines in their research. 

Vivek Agarwal

May 21, 2024
Perioperative Medicine Informatics UCLA

By Kevin McClanahan

Researchers say a machine learning tool can identify many patients with rare, undiagnosed diseases years earlier, potentially improving outcomes and reducing cost and morbidity. The findings, led by researchers at UCLA Health, are described in Science Translational Medicine.

May 01, 2024
Lange Symposium on Computational & Statistical Genomics
UCLA’s departments of Computational Medicine and Human Genetics, with support from NIH, held the fourth Lange Symposium on January 26th, 2024. The topic for this year’s symposium was Computational and Statistical Genomics. This annual event celebrates the impact of Dr.
Jan 26, 2024
SwabSeq event

More than four years after the world first learned about COVID that led to an unprecedented global health crisis in modern history and upended life as we knew it, UCLA researchers behind the SwabSeq COVID-19 PCR test came together November 13 in honor of SwabSeq’s third anniversary and its milestone of reaching 2 million processed tests.

Dec 13, 2023
Deep learning-based phenotype imputation

Biobanks that collect deep phenotypic and genomic data across many individuals have emerged as a key resource in human genetics. However, phenotypes in biobanks are often missing across many individuals, limiting their utility. We propose AutoComplete, a deep learning-based imputation method to impute or ‘fill-in’ missing phenotypes in population-scale biobank datasets.

Nov 20, 2023
Department of Computational Medicine and Institute of Precision Health

Three PhD students supported by the Biomedical Data Science for Precision Health Equity training program, along with PI Professor Bogdan Pasaniuc (Computational Medicine) and Professor Alex Bui (Radiological Sciences, Bioengineering), attended the NLM T15 Training Conference, held at S

Aug 23, 2023
Biomath Fisher

Recent Biomathematics Ph.D. graduate Alexander Fisher (now an Assistant Professor at Duke) has received the Publisher's Award for Excellence in Systematic Research from The Society of Systematic Biologists. The award is presented to the two best papers based on student research published in Systematic Biology during the previous year.

Jun 27, 2023
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