Announcing the Data Science in Biomedicine MS program

The Department of Computational Medicine is pleased to announce a new online, self-supporting graduate program called the Master of Science in Data Science in Biomedicine. The program will combine foundational training in all areas of data science including machine learning, statistics, data mining, algorithms and analytics with understanding of application areas including genomics, medical imaging, and analysis of electronic health records as well as other types of medical data (waveforms, mobile health data, etc.). Graduates of the program will have the necessary skills and background to develop new data science methodologies and apply them to a wide range of biomedical data sources.
The instructors are UCLA faculty whose research programs span both data sciences and medicine, are actively engaged in biomedical research, and have many years of experience in teaching interdisciplinary courses. To date, the professors who have committed to teaching at least one course in the program are Harold Pimentel, Eleazar Eskin, Valerie Arboleda, Jeff Chiang, Jason Ernst, Bogdan Pasaniuc, Daniel Tward, and Sriram Sankararaman. Sriram Sankararaman is also the Program Director.
We expect that the majority of the students will be employed full time in the biotech/pharma industry, especially genomics companies and digital health companies. We anticipate that many of the students in the program will receive tuition benefits from their employer. The ideal applicant is one with a strong quantitative and computational background. They will be early in their careers and/or will be seeking data science training to support their career advancement.
To graduate, students will complete 36 quarters units or 9 courses at the graduate level. The program includes a culminating capstone project which will deepen and integrate the students' knowledge obtained throughout the program. The program will be offered entirely online, but a few of the courses will also be offered in-person for those who want one or two quarters in residence at UCLA.
We are currently accepting applications for fall quarter admission; the deadline is June 15, 2023. The application instructions, deadlines, and more information is available at